Again, you'll see a lot of guys doing 100's of crunches and situps every day. For one, this is ineffective, and two, it's overtraining. It is very easy to overtrain your abs since many don't think of ab training like they do training their chest. Next, you don't want big abs that stick out like a pot belly. You want flat abs with deep lines in between them.
What's one of the main things people notice when your shirt is off? What do the girls go nuts over? Abs. Many people ask me about my abs and what I do for them. The truth is, abs are really tricky muscles to develop.
You can't just lift heavy, hoping they will grow, because no one wants big abs. Look at the guys in the magazines - sure their abs are defined, but they stick out past their chests! Who wants that? This is due to steroid abuse (otherwise known as 'roid-belly').
If you want to learn how to develop great abs - abs so deep you can hold quarters between them, and ladies (or guys) flock over - keep reading.
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