You lose body fat by:
Following a good nutrition program that consists of 40-45% Carbs, 40-35% Protein, 20% Good Fats. (Visit this site and click on the nutrition link at the navigation bar in order to get information on nutrition basics).
You can do all of the sit-ups in the world and you will not be able to get nice abs if your abdomen is covered by a thick layer of fat. (Note: The percentages I gave above are the ones that I have found that work best for people that tend to be overweight. These may not be the best percentages for people that tend to be skinny but then again this article is not about bulking up).
Weight Training
Depending on your experience level and goals, this may mean three full body sessions of dumbbell work at home (for beginner or somebody that just wants to be toned) or six training sessions of heavy bodybuilding training with supersets and the whole nine yards (for an advanced bodybuilder).
"Why weight training?", some may ask. There are many reasons for this. First of all, why have great abdominal muscles and carry them with a less than shapely and toned frame? It's like having really expensive and beautiful art works in the leaving room framed with a torn and old frame.
Regardless of what infomercials claim, the only way to tone and shape your body is weight training. No aerobic machine is capable of doing that no matter how many muscles it involves and exercises.
Also, by allowing you to get extra muscle mass, weight training permanently increases your metabolism. (Don't worry ladies, you will not get like Dave Draper or Arnold Schwarzenegger if you don't want to by accident. It takes a lot of food and HEAVY training to get that to happen. Besides, women do not have the testosterone levels necessary to be able to attain such a high degree of muscle mass e.g. 20 inch arms).
Cardiovascular Exercise
In addition, cardiovascular exercise on an empty stomach first thing in the morning performed in your fat burning zone also aids in the battle against fat. The fat burning zone is the zone at which you are doing enough work to burn fat.
Why exercise first thing in the morning? You burn 300% more body fat if you exercise (this applies to both cardio and weight training) first thing in the morning than opposed to exercising at any other time.
Drink only water before, during and after the training sessions. If you want to burn more fat, do not eat anything until an hour after the training session has ended.
What's one of the main things people notice when your shirt is off? What do the girls go nuts over? Abs. Many people ask me about my abs and what I do for them. The truth is, abs are really tricky muscles to develop.
You can't just lift heavy, hoping they will grow, because no one wants big abs. Look at the guys in the magazines - sure their abs are defined, but they stick out past their chests! Who wants that? This is due to steroid abuse (otherwise known as 'roid-belly').
If you want to learn how to develop great abs - abs so deep you can hold quarters between them, and ladies (or guys) flock over - keep reading.
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